Ethno collection of Doctor Milenko Ćurčić

Village called Velino Selo is placed not far from estuary of Drina river to Sava river. Gentle Semberian village, my place of birth, with about 150 houses. It’s 15 km away from Bijeljina and about 100 km from Belgrade.
Village gave the world many wise people and wherever they went, they were proud of their village. I am proud I was born, grew up and brought up in poor villager family and coming to and leaving my village was always with happiness.
I came back for good to my homeland, the one that I had always felt covet for, no matter where I have been. I came back and collected everything that made me happy while I was growing up.
Ethno collection is big chamber of national treasure that ticks one epoch in life of one nation. Collection is my debt to my parents, but also to all people from my village for all that they have done for me.
Thanks to all of them, they will live in my soul forever.
Doctor Milenko Ćurčić